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    The Sam plotline is so BORING. I thought this was the season of personal growth and maturation, but instead we have Jess running back to another bad ex (these plots have been DONE before) and more dumb Nick and Jess drama. Whether they're endgame or not (they probably are), dragging it out is one of the WORST things a

    This C+ rating is right— the episode was a trainwreck.

    I don't know why people had such high expectations for Danny as a parent; he's always been a traditional and kinda sexist and him guilting Mindy into staying home seemed perfectly plausible to me.

    more Jeremy PLEASE! Jeremy is one of my favorite characters and they never let him do anything. It's crap.

    I guess I'm in the minority here but I never really liked Danny and Mindy together anyway; they had this kind of toxic chemistry that I just felt wasn't going to end well. I don't mind Danny being destroyed (he may have developed a ton through seasons 1-3 but he's definitely always been very traditional and in the

    I'm so against Mindy and Jody getting together; they have literally zero romantic chemistry and I honestly think Mindy should be getting a guy who doesn't fuck up in such epic ways anymore (though the idea of Mindy and Danny never really sat right with me either.) I would LOVE if Jeremy had a larger presence on the

    I accidentally watched the finale before the penultimate episode oh my god. Loved the Jenna/Liz flashback though

    This is the darkest episode so far…that animation and the supermarket freak-out were damn

    I don't know how I feel about Titus depicting an Asian woman (but I did appreciate that Jeff Koons reference.)

    Sorry, is no one bothered by the fact that an 11 year old treated a grown woman like a stripper to earn "street cred" in The Shunning??

    The humor isn't funny bc Zelda doesn't get embarrassed— even when her song leaks, it should freak her out, but instead she just has no reaction. Embarrassment is one of the funniest things a TV show can do, but Zelda just doesn't get it. The show tries to embarrass Andrew instead, but the only person who is ever with

    I'm pretty disappointed w the pilot. I know the show gets cancelled, but the premise of the show hooked me immediately, and I was hoping for a bittersweet, realistic, and touchingly funny portrayal of two people's relationship. Instead, the show seems to be going for over-the-top funny (and fails miserably) and some

    I just hate it when characters are too perfect because I find that incredibly unrealistic, and I used to live for GG's stark realism in season 1. Back then it was just about everyday things that happen to people and their relationships, which is why I was hoping for that same realism in the college matter. The thing

    I thought Rory getting into the colleges was bullshit. Sure, Rory has good grades and a few good extracurriculars, but otherwise she's like every single other good student applying to Harvard — she does not stand out in the slightest. Paris had the same extracurriculars (and higher positions in all, showing