
Just focus on making good standalone films then add on the world building. Really not that hard but totally eludes film studios who try.

Well it's hard to pray on people's outrage at the powers that be when your guy is the powers that be.

Years of watching Sci Fi left me scared that Skynet would end the world but now it's starting to get to the point where Twitter has supplanted that.

You know they aren't real, right?

He sounds like my racist Grandmother and no one is giving her a TV show.

I read the part where Ice-T was quoted in the voice of Dan Harmon impersonating Ice-T.

How much did Marvel Studios pay you to make this comment?

Where she went wrong was folding like an accordion and apologising because it made it clear that she knew she was doing something she thought was wrong even if the apology was forced.

Questionable decision Ms. Seyfreid.

He was only there say a year, turnover for writers is astoundingly high.

This is basically that scene from Step Brothers when they become friend but with a You've Got Mail stank to it.

Nailing accents aren't always a prerequisite to bagging roles, look at Liam Neeson or Connery as proof of that. And both of them bloomed as actors quite late too to a certain extent.

The Zooey sketches were Abby Elliott, though they must have been cast members at about the same time.

I do not recall any sketches which she was a part of in all honesty.

That would be my take away since her second death never caused the creation of another slayer.

It was just to appease the shippers who held out hope Angel and Buffy would eventually get together.

Makes sense I guess since a vampire can duplicate their powers an infinite amount of times when they sire others. Plus the First Slayer was bound to a demon, so there is that weird parallel.

What is the weird Whedon/HIMYM connection? because the actor who played the Mayor was in it, Hannigan, Dennisof, Harris and Smoulders too.

It depends on the series IDW Publishing's Angel: After the Fall is actually alright, the reason for characters returning make sense like Wesley returning as a ghost like Dililah did so it is less fan service and more of a natural progression of the characters from where the show ended.

See the thing I never understood was the spell which unlocked the potentials, surely if they were all active at the same time the power split among that many people would amount to very little. Like if you split a jug of water across two hundred cups and went to drink a cup, it would not quench you very much compared