
Would it be inappropriate to ask if he gave his name to police as BOB?

Was he ever really away from there?

Some people would throw their own Gran in front of a bus for a tax break I guess.

Having Freddy be innocent makes sense, that way his spirit has unfinished business.

As the world moves ever closer to a Mad Max dystopia I think I always knew that Juggalos would form one of the most powerful factions.

That's why their participation in the unite the right thing makes little sense imo, if you want to shake off the vaneer of being like the white power groups of the past so as to appear all pseudo-intellectual and appeal more broadly then standing alongside the former only exposes the charade that there is a difference.

They had to use the dark net instead of the light net, oh how that must burn them.

Sony's trucks are unreliable, Paul Feig's never showed up at all.

Yeah but no Burton so it's not 'real' Roots.

Daniel Craig: I think I would rather cut my wrists than play Bond again

With the astounding level if vanity he displays, I reckon you could add number 3) Someone taking down that ornate combover.

A life time of reading comics has left me disappointed that thus far Captain America hasn't peeled Trump's face off revealing it was Red Skull under a mask the whole time.

Just bring Roots back, Levar Burton could still pull it off.

An unfortunately shaped Christmas tree somewhere in Europe from a year or two ago.

I don't know about that Grammer seems more chill socially just super conservative economically whereas Woods is the worst in all aspects.

Someone get him on one of those celebrity rehab type shows, clearly the cocaine psychosis is affecting his ability to distinguish flags apart.

He who controls the spice controls the universe.

That's all the residual heat from being on fire from your desire.

So this means most of the podcasts I listen to won't have a five minute SeeSo ad in them… oh no however will I survive.

Quick store the podcasts on Data's neural net before the lawyers come to delete them.