
You could definitely prune that season down a little, from what I remember a lot of the earlier episodes revolved around some Pinky and the Brain schtick where the three would use a new dooda to try and take down Buffy. Cute but filler stuff.

I hated Adam, for a show about a vampire slaying teen I just thought it jamp the shark.

What if a Vamprechaun is badly damaged and brought back as part machine?

Boner now thoroughly killed.

So a film where humans round up synthetic beings to destroy, with a awkward interrogation scene.

I could imagine it would be good for recovery post workout, plus if you are on some crazy diet like gomad would help you force that grub down but I not during workout, I freak out remembering the steps in a deadlift as is nevermind getting stoned on top of that.

Once they've done this they should also do a gritty Robin Hood, a gritty King Arthur, oh and maybe another gritty Sherlock Holmes because those are reboot ideas that audiences are desperately craving too.

The show needs to start building the next gen, within next few years Leslie, Bobby etc. will be lost to Hollywood.

Will Arnett is not an Affleck.

If I was going to cast anyone as a cheese importer, I would probably go with Conan too… he just has that look.

Maybe if Punk was with Bellator it would happen.

Bryce Dallas would be 15 years too old to be Crystal anyway.

I don't fit the bill, but if it meant working for Marvel would certainly give away my dignity by doing a Fisher Stevens in Short Circuit.

What do you expect he was probably 100% genuinely legit (allegedly) coked up.

Trump to secratery: 'Get me Dinesh D'souza on the line, oh and one last thing what happened the hell was Ming the Merciless and can we get in contact?'

More like a young, gay Peter Hitchens.

To quote the log line for AvP: Alien vs Predator "No matter who wins, we lose"

The bad news is yes but the good news is that it will mean you no longer have to observe this.

Rumor has it Sean Connery caused the incident when he tried to shoot Nazi's from the back of the plane.

Steph actually sold that better than I would have thought.