Chet Manly

On one hand, I sympathize with any father who is separated from his kids, on the other hand it's Alex Jones and I don't think his kids need boner pills or virility juice.

It's definitely a wildcard in the Winterfell storyline, I'll reserve judgment until I see how it shakes out.

I can respond to you in character, right?

Just imagine how much ass the genetic offspring of you and Tormund could kick…

That I don't have an answer for, I just thought the idea was sort of dismissed in the review.

Baelish shows up with the Knights of the Vale at a pivitol moment in the battle for Winter fell and he has the power to decide the outcome.

I'm a 36 year old man who's never "shipped" any couple on TV before, but I instantly wanted Breinne and Tormund to run away from it all and have babies the instant they laid eyes on each other.

I respectfully disagree regarding Baelish… He's leading the only army not degraded by years of combat to a major flashpoint, with unknown motivation. That seems like a pretty compelling aspect to the upcoming Snow V Snow match-up.

No mention of cutting away from Scully being tied up and in peril then cutting back to her presumably kicking the killers ass and trying him up? Reaffirmation of Scully's awesomeness. While. Mulder is out having an existential crisis, Scully brings a killer to justice.

The final fight with Kingpin really lacked the visual flair of the earlier brawls. I actually really enjoyed the fight with Potter, but that was the first one in the series that felt kind of like a generic fight scene.

I got that impression as well. When the Kingpen held the initial meeting in the show it felt like it was the first in a long time, maybe ever.

Or just watch Danger 5 instead and actually laugh.

One of my all time favorite Archer characters is the indignant henchman guy on the Horizon

Someone needs to get Emily Rickards from Arrow on the phone about the nerdy, "Egon" type role.

I came to post the exact same thing. Any possible alien landscape you can imagine exists in this universe and they spend all their time in nondescript deserts? So much hate for the new Star Trek movies, but Star Wars guy won't blink an eye that they've been on the same planet for 4 out of 6 movies?

"If you would like to donate your money toward fighting the literal sands of time, all in order to save the house where you first learned Baby Darth Vader built C3P0, the campaign has a crowdsourcing page."

I admit I chuckled at her casual explanation of being an international dirty girl.

The only reason I look forward to "Les Jeunes" is Nasim Pedrad's adorable dancing in a poofy skirt.

This is a fantastic idea….I've been telling this to my friends while stoned for at least 15 years. Indiana Jones would absolutely work in a James Bond like fashion. With established canon already you can span any time from the late 20's-post WWII era so you can consider actors from their 20's-early 40's. Someone out

Falling Down and Waiting for the Rapture are pretty solid.