Chet Manly


Fookin 'ell dude…did Noel Gallagher kick your dog or something?

There are gems on every Oasis album. Gotta get through some filler, but they are there.

What's the word for the opposite of entertained? Because that's how I felt about that movie, but I do enjoy watching big stars scraping rock bottom in a sad kind of way.

Peter King? Blerg. The only columnist that is worse is Gregg Easterbrook.

I liked the Raimi movies quite a bit, excluding 3 of course, and I wanted to hate The Amazing Spiderman so I put off watching it for over a year. My son wanted to watch it one night so I gave it a chance and it's not bad at all. Tobey's Peter Parker was a bit too naive and aww-shucks at times and through 3 full

You have seen a comic book fight scene before, right?

Please stop with the "emo" Harry nonsense. He's smiling in almost every scene in the trailer. How is that emo? Who the eff cares anyways?