
She was featured reasonably prominently in the just finished season of Arrow. I don't know how you slice your genres but that probably fits the mold pretty well.

I must have missed the Angry Bird Flu announcement. Of course, I seem to have missed the announcement for Angry Bird Epic as well which turned out to be another surprisingly addictive game.

I'm pretty fashion unconscious, so I let my wife purchase my clothing. She's outfitted me with a couple pair of cargo pants and several pairs of cargo shorts. Does this mean she doesn't hold them in complete contempt or she wants other females to keep their distance?

We already have 3 active continuities of Marvel properties outside of Marvel Studios that are trying to form cohesive universes on their own.

I'm with you. I prefered season one. I felt it kind of jumped the shark with nanite superpowers and then characterization. I would have been good with an entire series about post-apocolyptic culture and the nanite stuff felt out of place.

Was anyone else bothered by the fact that Sam was so quick to want to raise Dean from the dead after he spent a good bit of the season railing about how he wasn't going to ever do that again?

I wonder why that is? It looks like everyone is canceling more shows that I watch than they are premiering new shows I'd be interested in trying for the third year running.

Personally, it seems to me that it isn't that most men prefer rounded/curved/pudgy/whatever-you-know-what-I-mean women, it is that most men don't care about that single factor nearly as much as hollywood portrays it and there most guys have an underweight aversion too that hollywood never ever portrays.

What bothers me is this section: "In the scene’s most profound moment, she posits that the meanest thing you can say to a fat girl is that she isn’t fat. And she’s right." Every woman that I've ever had any sort of relationship with (mom, friend, girlfriend, wife, …) has expressed the idea at some point that they

I was thinking about the Elena thing last night. I can't remember the last time the Elena was anything other than the damsel that needs rescuing. I think it might have been before she was turned.

I'd forgotten that was the reason I started recording this series.

I like looking at Katie Cassidy as much as the next guy, but it wouldn't be so bad if Laurel wasn't boring. Previously she was just token female DA boring but now she has gone on to new levels I've never seen before.


So, me and a couple of coworkers ended up with a DVR problem. The episode started at the subway scene and didn't make sense till I read the review. Anyone else have that problem?

I'd expect there to be a little friction with his new family too if he picked hunting back up, but that could work for the show too.

I guess I'm part of the problem but I would watch her in anything.

So like the fake reality show Siberia except for real? This should be almost entertaining.

Surely a drone delivering a box to my door that I didn't order isn't going to send up any red flags.

You aren't supposed to relate to Sherlock. You are supposed to relate to Watson. That continues to be my only gripe with Elementary.
The choice of making Watson a woman for a gender conscious writer means that Watson can't be intellectually distant enough from Holmes to be the audience surrogate. They've had to

I would have like to have seen that too but it is hard to fault them on their execution of it in the short game.