
Those devices are considered single use because they operate off batteries. If the FDA did not recertify them before use then you'd see people dying from a partially charged pacemaker. I suspect that the process of recertification is actually more expensive than building a new device and that is why we aren't

I think the scene with the old Dorian's arrest is the funniest thing we've seen on TV for some time. My wife and I both burst out laughing.

Seems like I saw an ad recently asking me to repurpose pacemakers for dogs because they wouldn't be recertified for human use. Here we go. According to this article dated last year, although pacemakers can be reconditioned and recertified, to the date of the article then none had been approved for reuse by the FDA: h

I'm for ACA. I'm even happy to be in the middle class and supporting some people who can't provide what I can for my family. I would, without namecalling, like to have a serious conversation about the cycle of passing laws to target the wealthy who in turn use their wealth and influence to spread those costs down to

Corporations that post massive quarterly profits, know best how the rules of business work (moral or not). I'd say it is wrong for companies to do it, but I've still not seen a good argument of malicious spite of the law from the owners instead of typical business analysis.

I started to make an intellectual argument until I realized that you had in your post condemning "my" right-wing views that you had made all the mistakes that you used to prop up your prejudice that conservatives are idiots.
I worked for Hardees 12 years ago. It was made quite clear directly through my managment chain

Thank you. You've entirely proved my point. Partisan language, arguments devoid of any substantial proof, strong assumptions of my positions, and character attacks. Two sides of the same coin.

The freshest example I can think of was how hours got cut after ACA was implemented. It can be easily be explained by market forces but many of my democratic friends were convinced that the Republicans were just pulling strings to make it happen.

While these guys regularly spout stupidity as truth, I'm just as worried about the outright dismisal of conservative ideas for no better reason than conservatives are idiots. Even worse, things that turn out the way the conservatives predicted are often labeled as conservative conspiracies. I think the reason the

I didn't used to scroll past the Newswire but now it mashes all the titles up together. Occasionally it is legible enough to be funny but usually just not worth looking at.

I'm worried about the escalation though. Thor 1: Small town…Thor 2: The universe. What is left for Thor 3?

As I understand it, Lewis Carol was adamantly of the view that fantasy works not only don't have to make sense but they shouldn't. While I'm not in the extreme of Carol, I am quite happy with a fantastical world that just doesn't fully make sense.

You must have missed the drone announcement out of Iran yesterday. We've started a trend that will soon cross cultural boundaries.

MJ died a few years ago and we all know he was into boys.