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    I can't remember when did Brienne cross paths with Davos and/or Melisandra before this episode? Were all three of them of at the parley between Stannis and Renly on the cliff before the smoke baby? Were there other times?

    @mksound thank you very much. Okay, that makes more sense to me now. 1) I had forgotten about Davos getting the Night's Watch message first (as Hand) and then delivering it to Stannis. 2) I wondered whether or not Davos knows about Shireen's burning. Thanks again.

    Does Ser Davos know about the White Walkers and the Army of the Dead? Has he seen them at some point? Did Snow convince Davos of the danger in the prior season?

    Was that whole final sequence a trap for Heydrich? That was my impression when I watched it, but this review said Hitler was calling Heydrich to deliver the bad news and I wasn't sure if the bad news was the trap failed or that Wegener killed himself.

    What were those bronze or copper looking bowls, (or the row of them), on top of the Nazi building where Smith pushed Connolly off the ledge. Were they just decorative?

    Thx!! I might as well leave what I wrote, otherwise your comment wouldn't make any sense.

    I doubt those are Hanks drawings. He wouldn't be asking his daughter to feed the cat if he was hiding a secret room like that. I actually was worried Mike was going to be there — seemed like somebody was there lying in wait to do her harm — and when I saw those drawing I at first thought it was Mike because he is some

    Betsy was acting like she knew the cat, so she might want to see it.

    I was half expecting it to be the undertaker on the phone……meaning that he (or she) sent up a decoy first.

    I like the UFO stuff too. I'm hoping Peggy's cancer mysteriously goes away and there's some reference or indication that the UFO has something to do with it.

    1. I thought it was Leofric who suggested the idea of raiding to Uhtred at the bar in the Episode 5. Unless I'm mixing up when Uhtred asked if Leofric if raiding was illegal.
    2. Good point regarding Odda being too dumb to come up with such a plot. Now that you mention it, Odda stiffing Mildreth is going to come back

    Thank you. I missed that. Has Betsy had any other scenes with any sort of reference (even obliquely) to the UFO. Was there like a light or something when she spotted the pistol outside the diner. Or did she look out her window one night (or was that Peggy or somebody else??). Just seems to be there has be more than

    The scene with Betsy and Molly's crayon drawing of the alien ship makes me think the ship will make another appearance and shine a light on Betsy and cure her lymphoma.

    What language were the psychopaths speaking?

    I'm not sure if I'm understanding you correctly, but I've gotten the impression (rightly or wrongly) that you are suggesting Martha's actions are in part due to her trying to keep the KGB from killing her. I think there has to be more to it than that, because if it was just a matter of survival it would have been a

    dude, (or dudette), i just 'followed' you. i'm not sure how that works, but i'm going to keep an eye out for your future comments. you must be a super-shrink, lol :) i'd never think of any of this myself, but darn you've made me think in ways i never would have imagined. thanks and cheers!!!

    Forgot about Amador —- thanks!!

    Great perspective. Thanks. Now I'm beginning to wonder if Martha knew something was rotten about the "secret marriage" from the outset, and if so, what would be her reasoning for going ahead with it.

    Thanks. I wasn't sure if it was just Elizabeth who saw him or. I thought she looked upset or at least surprised. I wonder if Hans carelessly left his post early, which suggests to me that Han's carelessness could be a danger to them in the future.