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    All excellent points and very interesting. You've really thought all of this through. I never would have been able to consider all that…. yet it makes sense. It's just hard for to imagine that both Philip and Martha would be shrewd enough to act like under the circumstance. I would think that Martha would crumble and

    It was a big mistake for Elizabeth and Philip to let that kid go. Didn't the apartheid South African student see the other ANC South African student jumping off the wall when they were about to leave char-broiled behind?

    Do you think Lucy was dead and one of them, or do you think she was still just a bridge to the afterlife? I'm thinking she probably was dead since her wounds miraculously healed so fast. Was their present day city flooded there in the end?

    Wow. Thank you. That clears up a lot for me. I could have never figured all of that out. Thanks again!

    Anybody willing to explain something basic and probably obvious to everybody else — who exactly are the people they abducted. Are they South African operatives and what's the Center's concern with them? Also, why did Elizabeth shoot the woman between the eyes and who was she. Are the ANC and Soviets allies?

    B+?? ……… Jeez, I'm sure glad I never had Kyle as a teacher I would have been lucky to get a D on a good day.

    I find the whole let's-recruit-Paige-arc a little too hard to believe, even for TV land. "The Center" would not risk losing deep cover agents on the unpredictability of recruiting a child. It would make much more sense to have Paige approached by a non-parent, like Pastor John and his wife. If the child is turned, or

    Are you kidding me?

    This is a good war drama, or at least as good as any other war drama like Das Boot, Downfall, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, and countless others. This is a bit like Das Boot in that it is German made and about ordinary Germans. The reviewer aptly points out that you end up rooting for the German, or at least

    thx @mary. that's terrible. if systematic rape is built into the system then that's about as dark as you can get.

    interesting. thx.

    Very good analysis. I still think there is something yet to be known beyond they are waiting to be saved. I think the uniforms, the guns, the strictness, the crosses on the cars, the lack of people, the fear of the armless lady, and the fear of the Doc of being killed, all point to something dark that has not yet been

    Nope, I wasn't being sarcastic and thank you for the long response. Nice analysis! I like the episode too, and I chuckled when you said, "Notice how Beth is in the right room at the right time for all major stuff." ….TV is convenient that way…also a bit odd that she was automatically the go to nurse even though she

    So what was the deep dark secret of this hospital society? What group was the doctor part of…he mentioned something about being a disciple to Beth at the very end….or something like that. What the the heck were they doing, and why did they need recruits. There weren't that many people, and the woman who lost her hand

    I was willing to forgive the sheer stupidity of the family for visiting a dictatorship because a show has to start somewhere, but the ridiculouslness keeps piling up. You really think a dictator is going to defer to his younger brother who has been gone 20 years just like that? I don't.

    Are the Brits total wimps? How many Vikings raid England — 200, 300? It seems like King Aelle and King Ecbert would be able to muster a force sufficient enough to repel them. Okay, its a TV show I get that, but their respective Kingdom's look sophisticated and resource rich. They have armies with decent looking

    @Kumagoro:disqus , I got to hand it to you. That is a very good analysis. I guess I haven't been paying attention. I didn't realize he was immune nor that they won't attack him. So Julia is obviously key to whatever is happening.

    do you really think that's why he stabbed. doesn't seem plausible to me. you wouldn't want to handicap yourself in a fight with or flight from the vectors. stabbing has something directly to do with the virus and protecting himself from it.

    Maybe vector's don't attack wounded people and that's why Hatake stabbed himself. That might also explain why Sarah (make that wounded or sick??) isn't afraid of harboring a vector. Faking a physical wouldn't be all that hard to do for whatever shadowy force is involved. If the evil Major could weasel his way onto the