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    Did the show start off with Cassidy and Jesse already friends? Did it ever explain how it started or why Cassidy ended up in town (apart from Cassidy being on the run)?

    Yeah, I do remember Beric saying something like that.

    Epic battle visually but resurrected Snow is kind of an idiot. He basically threw the whole battle away falling right into Ramsay's predictable trap.

    Did the chest armor completely stop the morningstar, or did a spike or two partially get through and tickle the Mountain?

    The Maeters already took away his chain for his dabbling in — I don't know — reviving the dead. Grand Maester Pycell hates his guts and would boot him out of the city the first chance he got. Cersei is his only card to play.

    Arya sure healed fast. Lady Crane must have given her magical healing potion. No way she's moving that fast or making those kinds of jumps with her gut wound.

    I didn't think of that til you mentioned it. Either could happen, but the Ironborn saving the day and capturing a bunch of those ships would give Dany the ships she needs.

    Sure, I agree with you —- it's pretty weak. I was just trying to make some sense of it. I certainly don't think he anticipated she was going to say I'm Arya Stark, but I do think he might have been saying you are now free. Meaning the many face god no longer claims you.

    When Jaqen said "a girl has now become no one," the meaning might be she is now free of the many faced god and free to be Arya Stark. In other words, she is no longer a follower of the many faced god, nor owes a life to it.

    Why is Brienne's oath the to Catelyn fulfilled when Arya is still at large? Sansa also initially rejected Brienne's help.

    Not sure if the troupe's Bravos production would be well received in Westeros….. :) , but you have a point with Richard E. Grant except Ian McShane sure came and went quickly. Have there been others?? I don't remember there being a bounty on Arya's head. I thought the waif hated her guts and asked Jaqen's permission

    You have a point, but she looked genuinely wounded. It could all be an act (a very good one) but how would she know the exact spot in the gut the waif would strike. They could be trained to hit that spot. Also, if an act, there would have been no need to walk wounded down the street — and therefore telegraph that she

    That's right. I forgot what happened in the books, but in the show when Arya and company walked through the gates and looked up at the guards they were just propped up corpses. Thx.

    Thx. I forgot about that.

    Did the Brotherhood go around murdering civilians indiscriminately? More likely they are rogues or even devotees of Lady Stoneheart.

    Doesn't Jaqen still owe Arya a life? She only claimed two at Harranhal and threatened to name his as the third, but it was never used.

    I expect either 1) her old Dancing Teacher Syrio to findher (in keeping with the trend of old-possibly-dead-characters showing up), or 2) the actress who Arya spared last week will take her in.

    So is time not linear? How could Hodor have even existed thus far if his existence was determined by an event —- holding the door — that only happened in this episode

    Thx! That's a great pic. Sometimes I forgot how much detail they really put into the costumes and set. Thanks again.