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    What is this "cum therapy" you speak of?

    I suspect Amazon shops at the video licence equivalent of a dollar store. It's like they have a standing order for any movie with a "2" or "3" in the title, but not the original.

    They all look like the movies on Netflix and Amazon I quickly page past. I have nothing against Asian people, but I can't get into Asian entertainment (that is, made for an Asian audience, I'm fine with Asian movies made for Western audiences). I assume this comes from growing up with different cultural touchstones,

    Yes, humor is only funny when it is accurate. I look forward to their next 15 minute video explaining why airline food isn't all that bad considering the variables airlines have to work with, and how not all white people dance like that.

    Speaking of too much repetition, this was the second corpse hidden as an educational skeleton.

    Except all the people in Kevin's "dream" were dead (except for his dad's broadcast), and he had no way of knowing Virgil was dead.

    I'm sure that's how he viewed himself.

    She's not playing someone from the Doctor's past, she's playing someone from his future…

    I've never heard "shade" used in this context. Am I racist?

    "You have nice eyes"
    "I have your father's eyes"

    I got a Spectrum notice for this?

    Is there a missing link to the isolated vocals track, or is that just wordplay?

    Loved the first 3 episodes, then not so much. No, I can't be more specific.

    "The Talos Principle’s puzzles, however, generally have just one solution."

    Where's the part in the lyrics that mentions or alludes to holocaust?

    Was that a crap clean room, or have I been contaminated with too many fake clean rooms in movies? Plastic curtains in front of an overhead door? How clean could it be?

    They were different. Instead of riffing on Doctor Who they were riffing on Dr. Jones. The first one was pretty darn good. Each subsequent one less so.

    I forgot about the bells. Plus there is a bowtie, and "a henge!". I can't remember if there was a grabbing of hands and "RUN!" but it wouldn't surprise me. Preview felt like a Doctor Who preview, including Torchwood shoutout (pterodactyl).

    Take the bones from the original Librarian series, remold them to the Leverage template, and tack on the obvious production directive of "more like Doctor Who, no not angstly Who, Matt Smith with a dollop of Peter Capaldi (Larroquette)".

    Are there lemurs? I'll watch it if there are no lemurs. Actually, just the king lemur, I like the other two.