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    That was another thing, how did she know how to destroy them? Why are the keys so much more fragile than the rest of the TARDIS? I just feel like I missed the episode with the big key discussion.

    I don't have a script handy, but for example describing Danny's death as "boring" and that she was "owed" both struck me as very Capaldi-esque.

    Clara collected the keys before she was knocked out, and it showed the Doctor carefully collecting and pocketing them after she woke up.

    Good episode, but I feel like I missed a previous episode (or more):

    So no one is going to comment on "he might be a duplicate!"? Seems like a big idea to just drop. Are we talking human Daleks like last season?

    People bitch about Moffat's baroque storylines, but I was really pleased they brought back the idea of "the woman at the shop" and the callback to the hanging TARDIS phone. Touches like that are some of my favorite things about the show.

    I was listening to see if Capaldi was getting a new theme, like Smith got "My Name is the Doctor" which I loved. I didn't detect one.

    Hasn't Clara already met every incarnation of the Doctor, including future ones? Even if she doesn't remember those, or it was different versions of her meeting them, she did meet 2 other versions, including one even older version that she was very sympathetic towards. Her being weirded out by the regeneration rings

    Interesting. I've always preferred instrumentals to vocals. Vocals strike me as something to be tolerated at best, and at worst they cause me to hit the skip button. And there is no one less hip than me.

    People don't get that depression is chemical. You can't think it away with happy thoughts. You can't "shake it off" any more than you can shake off diabetes. It's like the fundie misappropriation of the word "theory". Medical depression is different than being depressed because your team lost or you didn't get that

    Unexpected The Leftovers/NBC Comedy Crossover #3:

    I like how you get me.

    Funny, because for many years my boss was actually a vagina.

    The only new gameshow I'm interested in seeing is an American version of QI. But we don't have enough intelligent celebrities.

    There are a lot of shows on now that I would claim were more entertaining, but none IMHO are more compelling. And I find that now, for some reason, I value that. I'd be the first to defend shows with quippy lines and a high "fuck yeah" quotient. The Leftovers is different, and that is in of itself a good thing. I find

    He said he grossed a million in his best year, which from my experience means he actually grossed over $700000 (because rounding and he said he had 1500 machines which I doubt would even hold $100 in quarters but if they did held very little more), which he paid 1/3 to the store owners and probably at least the same

    I'm torn when I see someone like this (and I've seen a LOT of people like this). Seems like a nice enough guy, but he had some accidental success using someone else's plan to sell someone else's invention. I don't wish him any ill, but I also don't feel any sympathy for him. He hasn't created anything, just stumbled

    How seriously weird…I've been a Python fan since they first got popular in the early 70s. I thought I'd seen everything they'd done, several times. I have the parrot sketch memorized. But I had never seen the Brian Norris episode before, except for the fish-slapping dance which I assume I saw in excerpt elsewhere.

    I suspect you are right. And the next evolution of TV series is actually "succeeds because it references other things people enjoy". Jed and Maurissa can become the Friedberg and Seltzer of TV dramas.

    This season is almost over and I'm still waiting for some sign of Joss Whedon's involvement. I'm still hanging on because it took Dollhouse a season and a half to get good. But season 1 of Dollhouse was better than season 1 of MAOS so far. So far this is closer to NCIS than it is to Buffy, only without the NCIS 30