Dirk Calloway

Yeah it was a wild production but not much of a musical performance.

After watching that trailer, it's weird that you want to go see that as a human being or even a vegetable.

Boy she's really having to old herself up for that role these days, despite already being 3 years older than the character.

Thom could probably use some actually, having just broken up with his partner of nearly 2 decades who then promptly died. I wonder if that's where that new decrepit hobo look he's sporting comes from.

Electioneering isn't a key song in their repertoire but it has a fantastic ending

There's no longer Zero Chance it wasn't the Ativan

Have you heard them at their town halls? Seems to me they're actually trying to beat him in a contest for "biggest most obvious lies ever told"

Up to 24 million may lose coverage. Some portion of those people will die. It still might exceed your list, though.

Like Grizzly Bear, don't like Grizzly Bear: it's no skin off my back. But other being a four piece that uses rock instruments and is labeled "indie", there is very little sonically connecting these three bands.

I made it about 5 minutes.

Consider, too, that making insurance premiums prohibitively expensive for pregnant women (since it can now be considered a pre-existing condition) will make abortion numbers skyrocket.


Derp! Guess I'm looking like the C student now.

He'd have to be graded on a serious curb to get a C

I actually said this about my own 37th birthday. Specifically called it a nothing number.

It's 6pm. What am I, a farmer?

*crying* I had to go on Charlie Rose, Ken! Charlie Rose!

Fuck Russia. Now I want a Shakespearian ending to all of this shit.

This comment is pure Bong bait.

Johnny Guitar!