Dirk Calloway

This was their last album for me. Sounds like they're planning for their retirement.

I love it too. I'm fond of MV and like a few later ones ok but Mutations is the last Beck album I absolutely love.

Guero to me sounds like Odelay if they couldn't get away with the sampling. Which is basically what it is. And the songs aren't quite as good.

Mutations is Weird Sad Beck while he was still at his peak. Sea Change definitely fits Mw's description, though.

Boy I'd love to hear a better version of Murmur.

Not at ComicCon, they're not.

When you someone eat it?

I feel you.

It's literally about staring into the void. I thought for sure it would take the crown.

Don't worry. Now that everyone has pictures of the guy that carries the football for him, it will go missing soon enough.

I think that's why Kanye's been so quiet lately. "Is that what I sound like? Yeezus Christ!"

My version was Not Alright Alright Alright, but I like both of yours better.

The OJ doc (I can't bring myself to just say OJ) is undeniable. It rivals anything that was produced in any medium this year. I sat through all however many hours twice.

Woah Fat Logan balam-alam

He's more Lou Albano to me

This needs to stop. I think Kettle get out of control.

I have Zero interest in being in this pun thread. Let me out!

Season 5 lost Sorkin and all semblance of humor. The ship mostly rights itself in the last two seasons.