Dirk Calloway

Prove it. Show us the cover of your passport.

You're far more likely to see pics of him ushering some teenage prostitute into a Planned Parenthood, but that would work just as well.

Makes him exactly as worse as I thought


He said music.

Trump's America happened fast!

It's astonishing how revealing the internet has been concerning humanity's true nature.

Do you see? It's madness! Logic has no effect because they just make their own up. They never have to admit anything because everything is a lie and I have no idea whether or not they even believe anything they say. It makes discourse impossible. There is no debate, no common ground.


It's shit like this that has me doubting my sanity lately.

Justice is and has always been my favorite.

Don't worry. It won't be mundane for long.

Ugh this infuriates me all over again. What an ADHD addled bunch of toddlers this electorates is. After third debate: "Clearly he's insane and dispicable and she's a competent professional so the choice is easy" A few weeks later "I dunno, they say there are emails". I just can't.

Fuck you, river! I won't do what you tell me!

Black Widow suffering from a personality crisis

Feeling Yourself Disintegrate

I'd go ahead and finish you off but this gun has no trigger.

Wanna bet?

Thank God.

Doesn't Squarepusher also play bass live?