Dirk Calloway

My favorite Bowie and one of my favorite albums period

Just saw 20th Century Women. Greta's doing fine.

Wait, when was Chastain on 30 Rock?

I wanna dip my balls in it!

I think Face/Off is unwatchable. Like, there's so much praise for that hot garbage that I keep forgetting why I disagree and going back and trying again and again turning it off within the first 10 minutes. Every single thing it does I hate from frame 1. I feel this way about most Woo movies. His aesthetic and my

I always thought they shoulda given Pearce a shot at Daredevil.

Shutter Island's near fatal flaw is telegraphing the twist while giving you just the thinnest most tentative sliver of hope that it won't be that before just kinda shrugging and saying "yeah, it was that thing all along oh well". It does redeem itself in the last moment when Leo puts on his little act to ultimately

Two things.

Hatori Hanzo is in Vol 1. Sorry.

Excuse me. Asian Americantation.

If you're Lucky.

You are not crazy.

And the poker game where everyone murders the lyrics to Blinded by the Light

X-ennials, dude.

Why would you cast 73 year old Gary Busey to play 33 year old Eric Trump, especially considering Jake Busey is RIGHT THERE (and looks way more like Eric Trump than his dad does anyway)?

Cusack and Driver's chemistry was off the charts in that movie and that kind of chemistry can cause even full grown adults to make questionable decisions.

The score is also bad, though far more ignorable than MacDowell's performance.

Does that mean Arcade Fire is to Pitchfork what Bruce Springsteen is to Rolling Stone?

I don't know. Whenever I see Bruce McGill go after that lawyer seething "Wipe that smirk off your face!" I think "Shots fired!"

You weirdos just can't stop*. You're like a bunch of inertia creeps.