Dirk Calloway

I had to stop it as soon as the squiggly guitars started.

That's why the show was so unconvincing. You can't get good cocaine in New York anymore.

Wait, Olivia Wilde got naked? To the HBONowMobile!

I'd prefer the Steampunk convention to spill into the Ricepunk convention.

Before that, he had been In & Out of the spotlight. Since then, he's been something of a Desperado.

I think I'll go to Dairy Queen when I GETT OFF

Also, how many accounts do you have? Or did you find Jesus between posts?

Dance-punk as a genre at the time was defined more by a dirty disco aesthetic than a strict "danceable punk" definition so I see where you might quibble. It was probably weighted more toward the dance end, more concerned with groove than riff, so yeah maybe INC was more punk but it was no where near as danceable in

They were more of a mod revival act.

The only !!! you really need to know about is Me and Giuliani Down By the Schoolyard.

They should also probably mention Orange Juice and Duran Duran.

It would have been much better if it had been made in the spirit of Kaufman's black anti-comedy instead of a maudlin biographical lovefest.

Were it not for Paul, we could bury the whole homo-hating agenda along with condoned slavery and murdering women who didn't have the good sense to keep their periods out of the camp.

She didn't blame Muslims.

Like clockwork.

You speak the (policy of) truth!

Came down to say this.

Delaware needs a Pine Barrens of their own.

I've lived in Georgia, Tennessee, Florida and New York. Out of these, Georgia is the only place I HAVEN'T had sore nipples. I'll never fit in here.

From what I've read, they don't.