Dirk Calloway

Nellie: We’re gonna have some ground rules first, okay? No BLEEP BLEEP BLEEP or BLEEP. And no BLEEP unless you’re wearing a BLEEP or you BLEEP BLEEP. If this winds up on the Web, I will BLEEP you in the BLEEP.

He's a gynecologist by day and the leader of a Muppet rock band at night.

That FRWL isn't "recognizably Bond" is probably the reason I like it more than any other 007.

But even then he was also kind of serene and relatable.

You've always been lacking in moral fiber.

You keep saying was. It may not be incorrect but it sounds incorrect.

It's a shame about Ray.

I mighta. It's a good'n.

Counterpoint: I can karaoke Separate Ways in my sleep. Just because YOU can't do it…

In other words, the 2010's Pitchfork brand of poptimism.

A coked-up and thoroughly obnoxious Kevin Cronin once aggressively hit on my mother backstage at a concert at a mall in the late 80's. That was the official end of her REO love.

No but Pete Hornberger was.

Journey was always my mother's favorite band so naturally I was inclined to hate them, even before I got into metal, punk and other edgier fare. But as I got older and youthful rebellions melted away, I came to an acceptance of just how skilled the band was at pop-songwriting, performance and production. And in

I am NOT a committee!

Also, just realized this comment section is a year old.

"that was exactly what Vince Gilligan intended." Was? Your mask is slipping, CM.

The National Anthem, I Might Be Wrong, Dollars & Cents, A Punchup At A Wedding, Myxomatosis, 15 Step, Jigsaw Falling Into Place and Bloom would all like a word.

Makes sense since he's the youngest and always had the most feminine features.

He was also covered for Jerry Langford in the King of Comedy so I guess he was pretty good at it.

Made so painfully obvious by Trevor Noah.