Dirk Calloway

No, there's no way that's correct.

No love for White Blood Cells? For my money, it's still the best synthesis of stripped down lo-fi and clarity in their whole catalog. That could be due to being my introduction to White Stripes, but a re-listen confirms: has not aged a day. Whereas, while I don't hate it or anything, I could easily go the rest of my

They aren't impressed because something distracts everyone at the exact moment where the object they are testing gets teleported (toy plane or something) and no one sees it happen. And that's far from the most eye-rollingly stupid thing they had happen in the first five minutes.


Between the Bars was also on the GWH soundtrack.

The show debuted when I was 5 so I grew up with it. Obviously I didn't really get it in the early years so for a long time the Rebecca years were my favorite. I liked that they got rid of the neverending S&D romance and just got down to being funny. Now, the Diane years light my gut's nostalgia furnace like an

YoU sUnK mY jEnGa-Ja'Am.

Labeling Two Lane Blacktop an action film is a stretch so extreme it's liable to split in half like silly putty.

You know… for kids.

I own the Criterion Blu Ray based on that restoration so if this indeed another new one I am liable to feel a little ripped off.

Exactly what I was thinking. Virtually everything is escapable at this point, outside of maybe Trump.

Exactly what I was thinking. Virtually everything is escapable at this point, outside of maybe Trump.

When you someone they Nabin bothered with it?

I'll go to bat for Standards.

Cut and pasted from your post: "the two women film students were interviewed by phone" (italics mine). I asked because you included women in that description as if it had a bearing on your criticisms.

What (in the name of love) did you say that for?

That's just the voices in my head.

Why do I believe?

He's if like Joffrey didn't die and fell through a timewarp into a world where this is his best attempt at still being the worst person in the world.

How has no one yet offered Nick Offerman for Steve Avery?