Dirk Calloway

What does the fact that that the filmmakers (not students, for as you can see they actually made a film) are women have to do with anything?

I like that album and figured if they just kept quiet, the name thing would blow over. It'd make them look like assholes, but so what? Then they had to go and claim ignorance about what the term meant. Really? You didn't know who the Viet Cong were when you chose that for your band name? Now you look like assholes

no, we're like "on the internet".

He goes from wanting to date Ivanka to calling her one of his turds.

I wish he'd come back and do another Clipse album and just be the angel to Pusha's devil.

Loke, tobally.

I saw Hustle, which I enjoyed enough on that first viewing, the day before WoWS, after which I completely forgot whatever I liked about Hustle.

I have yet to see Domhnall Gleeson be good in anything despite being in quite a few films that succeed in spite of his presence. He's like a modern day Hollywood Forrest Gump.

I have yet to see Domhnall Gleeson be good in anything despite being in quite a few films that succeed in spite of his presence. He's like a modern day Hollywood Forrest Gump.

Jose Peterson had gone too far and he'd better watch his mouth.

*Alia Shawcat walks dejectedly home to Christmas Time is Here*

"We dug coal."

They should cancel their HBO subscription and buy some lunch.

It's like if Bone was metal as fuck.

Black Panther isn't Asian.

Vs. was about you!

Yield is my favorite. It's their most mature work (and the last time they showed any nuance, or what passes for nuance for PJ) and the last album they made that was front to back solid.

I had a friend who sang "LOW FLYING BUZZARDS ON A PELICAN"

Also a plot point in **SPOILERS TO 56 YEAR OLD ARTHOUSE CLASSIC AHEAD********************************************************
Hiroshima, Mon Amour

I went to high school with the guy who played Nick Nolte as a kid in the Prince of Tides. He quit acting after that because of all the teasing he got from getting butt raped on film.