Dirk Calloway

Not to mention his presence shadows the entire proceedings, making it feel like his role is more substantial than it is.

Sure there was. Had been for some time. John Quincy Adams is already an old man. - DERP you meant Gladiator. Disregard.

That's fucking bullshit, man!

Some? Mmm just this one and the bits about the teacher in the White Ribbon. The rest is pretty brutal and uncompromising.

You'd prefer they play "Life is a Highway"?

Amazon has a BRD release listed for January.

"Eye", not "One".

Sure you don't mean Soma? No crunch or fade on Disarm.

Weird to think that bands used to be important in my life.

Move it up.

Brie definitely has breast cancer.

Listen to Either/Or and XO. If Either/Or is more your bag, work backwards. If it's XO, forwards. Boom, crush'd it.

Well then, Bruce, you shouldn't have made the hook so memorable.

He sings a mean karaoke, too.

And short.

That's actually hilarious.

Balls to you, daddy.

This was Bloom for me, which I didn't dislike but did feel like they were starting to become derivative not only of themselves but of others as well. The very first track rips Eyes Without a Face pretty hard. I'll be listening to the new one today and I hope I don't agree with you and it sees them pull out of that

More Baroque pop or even theatrical pop, but yeah chamber pop doesn't quite fit.

By far his most pop-friendly (non NP) track. Such a great hook