Dirk Calloway

He already did that. It was his Entourage the Movie news articles.

Ah that's right. He did stuff before being elected president.

So what is this, your Korean War?

That was as well deployed as a Gong from the Taco Bell bell.

Finally! I've been coming to this site for years waiting on them to report on the return of discontinued fragrances from the 90's but had to wait through all of these articles about TV, movies, music and video games. I thought my time would never come.

Whadya need, a roadmap?

Hear that expression often, do you?

I'd settle for a rain that would wash some scum back on and chase all the yuppies and tourists away.

I'm gonna start calling it "doing alright" from now on.

How the fuck did they do this??

He's in the shed waiting for Ben.

No I said stickā€¦ team.


Next time just have your husband do your commenting for you. That'll give you more kitchen time!

No, I just giggle lasciviously.

Thanks to this and the following comment by @FloridaGovernorSheltie:disqus, I finally understand what Gamergate is. Thanks fellers.

I never bothered pronouncing it. I've hardly said any of the words that make up your screen names out loud.

As did I.

Scrawler's cartoon eyes are on fire in my head. That was like when Jenna realized Liz was trying to tank her bridal shower.

Are you claiming an anthropomorphic apple that comments on the AV Club as a friend?