Dirk Calloway

I love how honest he was that he was waiting to release new music after the divorce so his ex couldn't have any of it. Then he just gives a shit ton of it away for free anyway.

She's going after the Woggles next.

One of exactly two funny bits in the whole damned thing, the other ending with: "Not necessarily".


There's no need to be insulting.

In the UK it's called a Cornetto.

Always possible.

You say "that bridge though…" and I just think about how the song manages to become even duller during the bridge which may be its one notable fete.

This is the reply I usually get to this but I'm always equally astonished at how anyone finds that song anything other than repetitive and dull. The melody is lifeless and Thom'a falsetto sounds like he recorded it during an afternoon nap. It's placement right smack dab in the middle of In Rainbows drags down the

We Suck Young Blood
Little By Little

Obscure, yes, but the questions tend more toward trash than pretentious art-house fare. The worse the movie or its reputation, the higher the likelihood it will be the answer to or subject of a question.

We Here at the AV Club Love Star Wars Battlefront and Here's Why You Should Too

Dan, quit being the non-creepy one.

Upon seeing this headline, I immediately imagined myself pulling down my pants and shitting all over Hollywood, making sure to hit every studio exec's palatial home.

You're not the only one.

There's a resemblance. O'Neal just doesn't have Murphy's girth. Check back in another ten years.

You're losing your edge.

I kinda doubt that.


Do you suppose he comes up with a line like that and just lays back and enjoys a nice hearty laugh? Or does he scowl and grunt "good enough for these assholes" and soldier on through the rest of the article, mind always at least halfway on happy hour?