Dirk Calloway

You give us the tapes. We get the record contract. We come back and give you your fuckin' money. Have you heard the tapes? Have you even heard them? We're guaranteed a record deal. Our stuff is that good!

Well there goes my erection.

There can be only one.

That comforter kinda ruins the minimalist theme she has going there.

So would he. It's the source of the resentment he feels toward his wife and kids.

It rivals Jon Stewart's arbitrary (no pun intended but definitely accepted) Arby's rivalry.

Caption contest: "Please turn the fuck away."

"Please calm down." I nearly pissed myself.

Either way, knock it off.

This is like the time Pete Hornburger described raping his wife in her sleep to Liz Lemon which was dramatized, then he made us watch it some more.

Oh Francoise Dorleac.


Wait, that was a real thing?

Not fun fact: my sometimes intellectually questionable roommate will randomly pick up a NYP and leave it in our bathroom. I'd wipe my ass with it but even their choice of paper is intolerable.

One of our clients where I work is Time Inc and we have a team here that works on web content that advertises People magazine. It's non-stop Kate Middleton. If I didn't already want to quit, I definitely do now. (But I totally already wanted to)

Am I bad for wanting to see that?

[Terrible] People

Can't wait for the chapters about his years as an international art thief.

It's a defensive weapon!

But apparently Motley Crue single handedly reversed that trend.