Dirk Calloway

Others will be pooping.

Your honor?! *motions at defense exasperatingly*

Objection, your honor: Dikachu is making a mockery of this comments section.

Too legible.

We'll just have to send them on their way.

Not really.

Well, I can't afjord to live there, anyway.

One time he tore all of the metal off of Wolvie's bones, thus exposing the bone claws and more or less ruining the character forever. That was about the time I aged out of comics anyway, so that might be a little hyperbolic.

Like you don't know that character's name.

How about Andrew Koenig?

The good news is it doesn't bother him any more.

I don't know why he did it. He must have lost his head.

We just say manager. Doesn't matter who.

Still a good album, tho.


**SPOILERS** I don't know.

I was going to say Roger Poultry but then Tweet Townsend was the songwriter in that band.

Chick composer. That's pretty funny.

Yes but the nineties drew to a close 15 years ago.
