Dirk Calloway

Dammit! You caught your mistake, thereby denying the rest of us the pleasure of watching O'Neal catch it for you in the most humiliating, dehumanizing fashion.

No, but to be fair I spend far more time in the Dissolve comments these days then I do here. Though if you could think to give me a holler next time, that'd be swell.

You played it for audiences in 1942, you can play it for me.

So glad I was notified.

Liiiift… And slide.

You bastard. One of my grandfathers died of infant breast cancer.

HipsterDBag: missing the reference in the creepiest fashion possible since 2008

She's a very sexy baby.

Just the one?

You can't hear it in his last name?

Sick burn on Kristin Chenoweth out of nowhere!

I should clarify "does wonders for making him not sound like a shrill nasal abomination".

Also, double-tracking Corgan's vocals does wonders.

Stanky Cavern is what we call ElDan's mom.

Hopefully they are on the Wayne.

Penguin will these pun threads cease?

Can we make it Mumford-free as well?

"Knock knock"

And fun. Snowpiercer remembered to bring the fun which completely slipped Elysium's mind.

It can be two things.