Dirk Calloway

There was a lot more wrong with that relationship than just the miscarriage. Theirs was a Hitchcock romance come to life: he trying to make her into exactly the kind of woman he wanted, she wanting to do right be him while also breaking free to be her own woman. It's actually probably a good thing that they didn't

Sean, per that last line, we won't have to because we know you will for us.

24 Hour Party People and Tristam Shandy as well.

I was with you up to the end, then… what?

She's so beautiful.

As great as she is as Joannie Stubbs, she's among the least of reasons to want to check out Deadwood.

If you hate your money so much, why not just give it to me?

Pretty sure he's never heard of it.

When Breathless became an unexpected smash in 1960, Jean-Luc Godard lamented it, saying he would have preferred it be hated or, better yet, that it had faded into obscurity, in order to ensure that success and public opinion wouldn't sway his methods or expectations of his future work.

Why would it matter if she were a Jehovah's Witness, out of curiosity?

What if, like, 20 women accused Bill Cosby of rape right now?

I think I agree with Captain Howdy here.

It was the paddle, not the strap. And by the time I got to middle school, we just kinda thought it was funny. Ow, you stung my butt, Mr. Vice Principal. I sure did learn my lesson, which is "the vice principal loves slapping pubescent boys' butts".

The Green Ray is right behind My Night at Maud's for me.

You do fucking. I seen it.

'If you go home with someone, and all they have are Russell Brand movies and books, don't fuck 'em.'

Lovin' beats hatin'.

And A Married Woman and Vivre Sa Vie.


*Uproarious Applause*