Dirk Calloway

We are never, ever giving you lyrics from Taylor.

Idol be alright without youuuuuuah.

You son of a bitch.

A snark hunt?

Why would you want either of those things to happen?

Having not yet seen Interstellar and being one who enjoys Nolan's films while constantly annoyed at his entrenched glaring flaws repeating ad nauseum, I can see where this type of review is coming from. You take a popular commercial filmmaker, one who's exponential ambitions are a breath of fresh air in modern

Realizing what I was seeing during the course of that nightclub scene, as the venue falls apart and all of the motley assorted patrons begin to relax, relate to one another and enjoy themselves, was one of my favorite and most joyous experiences in all of cinema.

Are they supposed to make me laugh or make me horny?

Nah, he'd fuck that up too, yet still somehow get paid.

*hits F5*

Beards can't grow in space.

Oh right! Wow, how did I forget about that? Now I remember, that show was fucking terrible.

Wait, is Homsar dressed as the Archmage of the Aether?

I want some. Not for their youth-extending qualities, mind. I'm just hungry.

Jesus. That guy is 62 years old. Blood of virgins?

Talking like Cosby is still ok?

And you've got your head… all the way up it!

when you love someone beats hate it?

We got Taylor. Suck it, Nashville?

You rang?