Dirk Calloway

I still have dreams of ex's years gone and I still wake up in as much pain and confusion as I did when it was all fresh.

Let's put aside the fact that Yield is my personal favorite PJ album for a sec. As long as Riot Act exists, no other PJ album can lay claim to worst.

Aw, the Omni. Flashback to concerts by Def Leppard, Metallica and Smashing Pumpkins. I miss that place.

He's pretty talkative for a corpse.

Wait, what? Again?

Can I borrow a few hundred dollars?

Coherence is a great mix of cleverness and feeling. Though it's nowhere in the same ballpark, I compare that feeling to Eternal Sunshine.

Free Jazz

Birdman (or the Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

Jehovah's Witnesses don't wear denim while preaching. Sounds like you encountered some also-ran start-up hippie cult.

It's not that it was badly made or anything. There was just nothing in it that really justified its existence, even without the unavoidable comparisons to the original. See also: Total Recall

There's also the 100% video, which has everything you mentioned + Sonic Youth in a fraction of the time.

Feel better?

The surprise is someone thinks the Robocop remake is solid.

Beatlejews? Is that a dig at Brian Epstein?

Please don't let it be Grand Canyon.

"Shakespeare. Shake a spear. Spearchuckah!"

Go on…

Where's the joke? That's just good old fashioned horse sense.

And we liked it.