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You sure will make any excuse for her. Have you figured that out yet. :-)

I am still waiting for the examples. Sorry, but JOE was the driving force behind everyone hating Joe.

That computer in the basement of the Mutiny building was not a home made PC that Gordon built, it was an actual NeXT box, which is what the episode is called, and what the Web was born on.

The two most business savvy people in Mutiny (Boz and Diane) wanted to go public. That tells me it was the right move.

Thank you Thomas! Yes. We have no idea what would have happened if they waited two years.

The last number I saw was 3.

Every company has differences of opinion that get settled democratically. Which is what happened when Mutiny had a vote.

Were you watching the same show I did? At the meeting Cameron tried getting her way, and then slapped the table like a petulant child when someone dared contradict her savior complex.

Cameron NEVER listened to Donna. She always played the IT'S MY COMPANY CARD. Donna's analysis of Cameron is right on. She was a petulant child. The two most business savvy people in the organization (Boz and Diane) thought the IPO was a good idea, so I can't argue with that.

Wow. My head is swimming after this one. I will need a full night's sleep to process this. (and I thought Mutiny opened at 8, and quickly fell to 6)

The Giant Pro sold 5 times the mount that the Giant did. Cardiff went out because Nathan cashed out.

Yeah. :-) Joe went against his board…. it almost worked. I recently tried to drive my car down the side of a cliff… it almost worked. :-)

We have no idea what C-Serve wanted. They might have only been interested in their Swap Meet code. They might not even have any idea who Cameron IS. This is all wild speculation. What we DO KNOW that is a FACT, is that there was an offer for 20 million, and since they were not going to say yes to it, it is already off

And she probably did it with Tom, while she was in Texas.

Oh yes, the moment Cameron lost me last night was when she pounded the table, EXACTLY LIKE A PETULANT CHILD, during the meeting. That is not how adults conduct business, and that is exactly why she had to go.

I have NO IDEA why Gordon chose to tell Cameron about the potential of Donna doing an end-run around her, to get the IPO to happen. The confrontation about the IPO was coming either way, and this only could have angered Donna. In fact, if Gordon hadn't told Cameron, and the IPO conversation had taken more time, and

I'm not sure what good telling Cameron did at all? The confrontation about the IPO was coming either way, and this only could have angered Donna. In fact, if Gordon hadn't told Cameron, and the IPO conversation had taken more time, and evolved more slowly, then maybe Cameron wouldn't have been so impulsive, and been

I said that to many of my H&CF friends after Cameron broke his heart. I WANT BOZ TO BE MY DAD! :-)

We have no idea what the "equal partnership" was until they finally told us what the percentages were. We also were not privy to what were probably many conversations that Cam and Donna had describing their partnership.