
That's simply wishful thinking. They are worth 20 million right now. Strike while the iron is hot. This makes all the sense in the world. Cameron's vision about the "soul" of the company is just another nebulous term that can't be defined, except by Cameron, when it pleases her. It's just a way for her to maintain

There is also the possibility that Cameron really isn't interesting in an IPO, at all, and her wanting to make these changes it just kicking the can down the road in the hopes that people forget about the IPO, and it goes away.

Cameron is too immature, childish, and petulant to run a business. Mutiny thrives IN SPITE of her, and that is because of Donna, and Boz. But she's alienated everyone.

The vision is useless if their valuation goes from 20 million to nothing, while wasting time with these changes.

The split could have been over any truly large issue, it just happened to be the IPO. What the split really was about was Cameron's inability to work with anyone. She didn't hear one word Boz told her about it not being JUST her company anymore. As I said in another comment, Cameron felt like she was being "handled."

OK, wow, so for a few weeks I've been wondering about why Boz has been so gun-shy in his interactions with Diane. I had completely forgotten about his having been on jail. DUH! That makes so much sense. I can see it now.

They're both on the back end of some traumatic stuff, so I can understand both of them being cautious, but in the two moments I'm talking about (once this week and once two weeks ago) he's SO not present, that he's being super rude. Why say yes to any of her invites if he's just going to be so rude? Like "yeah, I

Non-Polarized plugs were outlawed in 1962. So yes, something in 1986 very likely had a polarized plug. And it had nothing to do with keeping them in place. It was about grounding.

Still confused about what's going on between Boz and Diane. OK, fine, that had a quickie in a car… who hasn't, but why was Boz so cold afterward, rejecting her offer to spend more time with her?

I don't think there was a future at Cardiff. Watching Gordon make another PC wouldn't have been interesting at all. That's what season 1 was about.

I was going to the gym in 1986, too. I would say the trend toward fitness actually started before that with the running craze of the 70s.

Yes. But I think the actor is busy on other shows.

I really enjoyed this episode, and really suffered when Boz was rejected not ONCE, but twice. Sure, I get it. He was probably a workaholic who wasn't there much, but it was still painful to watch.

I am a skinny, shy, nerdy, engineering type, and LOVE the gym. This idea that nerdy people can't like the gym is a ridiculous stereotype.

You forgot broadband.

He has someone else's money. He is expendable. He needs to learn that.

They've both been through a lot. One would think those social games would have been jettisoned by each of them at this point in their lives. Can't wait to see how it develops.

Thing 1 lost me when he called her a bitch. I mean Cameron can be argumentative and contentious, but bitch crosses the line.

There were a few scenes in this episode that seemed confused and directionless to me. I will need to watch again, later, to talk in more detail, but I didn't get the scene with Boz and Diane at the party. Boz was telling the joke, mixing with the guys, leaving her alone to be subjected to Joe (which they clearly

Oooh! A Boz/Diane relationship! I like it!