
Another guest-star laden, gimmicky episode? Yay? Can't we just have a full season of Introduction to Teaching or something?

I want Leslie to take a better job somewhere else so April can take over and immediately firebomb the entire town of Pawnee. Holy shit is that place a hellhole. If the series doesn't end with the complete and utter annihilation of that town and its residents I will be gravely disappointed.

Any episode with Jamm in it is a shitty episode of this show. The character just doesn't fucking work.

Wait, this episode has Jeremy Jamm in it? I'm out. Better luck next week, Parks.

The correct pronunciation is Bonny Bear.

I agree, the A and B plots were so rushed that you could've dropped the Chang bit (even though it was amusing) and let the story breathe. B/B-.

Parks and Rec didn't even start until the season 2 finale anyway.

I will listen to anything with Matthew Cooper involved. Eluvium is fucking fantastic.

That's me. I'm actually still in orbit and if you guys keep beaming albums as boring as this into space I'm gonna shit all over this capsule.

There can always be new beginnings. Even for people like us.

Danny P, that's my signature!

Trust me, it was obvious from the pilot because she was the only competent person on the entire show.

Too bad it's the dullest record he's ever recorded.

I still ship Doreen/Balleros. Or whatever his name is. I wanted them to become the disease-curing zombie-clone-killing badass duo they were always meant to be.

A quick scan of the wiki indicates she was killed at the end of episode 4 and her corpse starred in episode 5 (if days are still corresponding to episodes, I still follow the reviews but stopped watching the show a week or so ago).

No go ahead and cut those five too. Then make Rowan start covering Babylon 5 again.

Let's be real, Michonne should have been the central character of the series from the start.

We had one of those on Helix. She was pretty much real-life Pam from Archer, she was amazing, and she got killed like 4 episodes in.

You might want to check who you're replying to - I've seen all of BB. The other guy was the one who hasn't seen it/refuses to watch it/whatever. Maybe I used hyperbole a little too frivolously but it was just based off of the impression I got after finishing the review. I didn't come out of it feeling I'd learned much

This is terrifying.