
Fuck it, let's make him VP.

He'll be whatever you're most afraid of.

It won't be a perfect metaphor until someone photoshops Pennywise into it.

Just finished watching it. It's…okay. It's quite flashy, and the cinematography is a lot better than you'd expect for a by-the-numbers genre thriller, but it's still not that great. The ending is kinda meaningless and Hopkins and Farrell both kinda phoned it in. They weren't bad exactly, but I've seen them both do

Well, he's gonna come collecting on that Faustian bargain any day now so he's got reason to be chipper.

Hard truths? Are you retarded or just really, really baked? The "game" is transparent propaganda. Bullshit left-wing propaganda is just as distasteful as bullshit right-wing propaganda.

I played as the black voter and ended up wanting to vote for Trump. Stuff like this is the kind of thing that makes people hate liberals.


But that doesn't encapsulate just how, you know, dumb she is.

It's a dumb joke that doesn't work.

Okay, okay. Point taken. How about "The smart, talented, fully-realised, independent and spiritually fulfilled woman who needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle and who does NOT care about your approval…was talking some soul-curdlingly stupid shit?"

How are you defining cultural insensitivity?

Stupid girl makes a dumb point that isn't true using cherry-picked examples. Her smarter, more movie literate younger brother, tired of her bullshit, corrects her.

I kinda get the feeling that a lot of people are missing the real point of the episode. It's not about the ethics of anonymous vigilante justice. It's about how the anonymity technology affords us can foster a strain of nihilism so depthless and malignant that anyone with the know-how and the inclination can

Well, I'm white so technically it's both racist and culturally appropriative. Maybe the next episode of "Soooo many white guys" can address this?

"That led to Sooo Many White Guys, Robinson’s relatively new chat show podcast,"

“It’s only really over the top in terms of objectifying women in that case.”

Would we expect Jimmy Fallon to press Clinton on, say, the collateral effects of bombing sanitation plants during the Iraq war? The war that killed hundreds of thousands? The war she knew was fucking bullshit but that she voted for anyway? The war she only repudiated when it became politically expedient for her to

Martin Shkreli looks like the kind of guy who'd pay to kill a homeless person during the Purge.

Dear Ennui…