Toad Wallop

That's fine, I never said you couldn't. Like I said, keep it up. What's more predictable are you clowns that waste you life complaining about things you don't like. I personally think you're losers, but hey, first amendment, lol.

Yet, somehow, you were compelled to read articles about the latest episodes, and share how you gave up on it? Makes great sense bud, keep it up!

Very true. Yet, all these people that always claim they gave up, come back to the articles to share with us how bad they think the show is, and how they'll never watch it again. Why? I would NEVER give something I hate so much, one second of my short life, but…..I guess you can't argue logic with people that like to

I'm sorry that you're a pathetic troll, who has no life to the point of defending a dislike. You sit on your phone, or computer,and waste your life on things you have no interest in. What does that say about you? You have the disability. The disability to see that your subjective opinion is just that, and that reading

No, the lowest common denominators are the ass clowns such as yourself, who waste their precious time to read articles, and write posts to criticize others, when they don't even like the show. What's the point?? Please explain, because that's nothing more than bullying, and it makes you pathetic. Go watch some BS

Yeah, and? It's not like Negan's men didn't try to make Daryl, Sasha, and Abe take them back to ASZ. They were going to kill someone too. Except Daryl ended up blowing them to bits. What Rick and Co. did was called a preemptive strike, it was just poorly thought out. They didn't try to find out how big the Saviors

Every NU Metal band sucked balls, except Snot! Snot was the shit! Good post though. LOL

Wish I could thumbs up this for infinity!

You're an idiot. That was perfect! What the hell did you expect?? All out war broke out, Shiva was chewing faces off, Morgan was spearing people through the face, Walker Sasha attacked Negan, then proceeded to kill some of his men, there was no cliffhanger, other than the fact that the story's not over. Do you want

Oh, yeah, I MEMBER! Member dead celebrities with Michael Jackson? Mr. Jefferson says "that's ignorant"! What about Mohammad?

TWD is fiction. So I'm already doing that. What's your point? What I don't do is read articles about TV shows I hate, or don't watch, just to post shit about them. It wouldn't make sense to either, at least not to me. Seems like a waste of time. The point I think you're trying to make is basically a logical

Mostly confusion, because it makes no sense to me. This show is always getting better, in my book. I can't get enough of it, or the comics.

Because these people suck, I guess. Every fan that I know personally, likes the character. He's easily one of my favorites on the show. I'll be pissed a little if they deviate from the comics, and have him get killed.

Not even, because the first episode this season was the second biggest episode ever. With the last 2 at 10-11 million live views, that's still huge in the day and age of DVR and binge watching on Netflix. It may be down 2-3 million live views on average, but big deal. The next two episodes will pick back up some.

You heard wrong, but I guess it's all opinion.

I personally think reading about shows you don't even watch is pathetic, no matter where the article is found. Life is too short for that nonsense.

You don't get it then and have no sense of humor.

Look at my dirty girl! Negan is awesome!

Negan is a funny character. I couldn't feel bad for Glenn, because I couldn't stop laughing. It was great! Best villain ever!

I don't care about spoilers. I don't usually look for them. I'm just saying, boohoo, dry your whiney eyes, because the episode was aired last week. If someone cares to watch, but still hasn't, yet, looks for articles anyway, then too bad.