Toad Wallop

Seriously? The world is just supposed to stand still until everyone that hasn't seen the episode finally does? I can think of about a million things worse than getting spoiled about a fictional TV show. If you like something, you'll still like it if you get spoiled. I knew who was going to get it ahead of time, and I

OK, sure…we'll see about that.

Dude, it was the first episode. They're far from done with this.

They're not the same. One's a giant douche, and the other's a turd sandwich. Get it right! LOL

Yes, her part in that whole thing was deemed irresponsible. I don't think the entire incident was solely her fault though. She is disgusting in myriad of ways.

She couldn't remember their names either.

I guess you're overlooking a few things about Clinton too, because she really is a piece of work.

He sucks ass, but did his neglect get anyone killed? (email leaks) They both are absolutely terrible choices. She supports a group of racists, that was started on false pretenses, just to get votes, yet she patronizes the people who's votes she's trying to win. I can't stand to look at either of them.

Not on an album, unless a bootleg I never heard about. The Beach Boys did that one, but renamed it Cease to resist, I believe. I know they changed somethings, but it was basically the same song. Manson was outraged that they changed it. Manson knew the Beach Boys, if you know the story, and could of had a career in

I seen them on the first or second tour with Duvall in 06 or 07, no new music yet, and they did an acoustic performance in the middle of the show. It was a pretty good time.

Playing sold out arenas is far from tiny clubs. If he still enjoys playing, then let it be. No one can stay young and live forever. Jerry is much better off than Layne. How sad is lying dead for weeks, and weighing under 100 pounds when you're over six feet tall? That's horribly sad, and it's not what I would call

Not to defend Manson's actions, or any of Axl's either, but "Look At Your Game" is one of the best cover songs ever. I love that song. Manson's version isn't too bad, but Axl nailed it. It was also just Axl and someone he was friends with on acoustic guitar. The band wasn't a part of it.

Plus, why bother with the gun and the note at all. Since it was well known that Kurt was a junkie. If he had been given such a deadly dose, they could have just waited a few to make sure he was dead, and called it a day. Seems like such a waste of effort to shoot the man if he wasn't going to survive the heroin dose.