
I do think words have tremendous power, but "drama" is not really one of those words in my opinion, at least not in the context of this recent episode. And to heighten the importance of that word based on something like gender or race is again to weaken the overall progressive movement because all it does is fuel the

Right. But he didn't call her a "drama queen" and so right off the bat you're completely misquoting him since "drama queen" does in fact possess far greater ramifications. To paraphrase, he basically said he wouldn't have signed on for the project if he knew there would so much drama. Somewhat ironically, he made this

Except this wasn't a "gendered" insult since he made absolutely no inference toward her gender—literally none. Therefore, to treat his comment as though he's only making it because she's female is actually to undermine her status as a producer on equal footing with any other producer in the business (film or reality

You're ignoring the fact that Matt and Ben told Jason that he should keep up the fight for film and the subject has now become an issue that won't die. It sounded like Farrelly was trying to move things along and put a final end to the discussion of film vs digital by forcing a blind A/B test and challenging Jason to

Actually, it's not really a sexist comment until someone like you comes along and suggests that he was making the comment in reference to her gender. That potentially makes you a little sexist against women for your automatic interpretation of a comment that doesn't invoke her gender in a real way, or a little sexist

And while we're at it, let's start mandating that all NBA teams have at least one Jewish and one Chinese starter.

True that. And I should mention that were it not for the extreme overreaching from fans, I would even go as far as saying season two was actually pretty decent and that my gut reaction was intentionally overblown. As with so many movies that come out these days, my grievance lies primarily with the audiences and their

Yeah—that was whole "going to extremes" thing I mentioned earlier. I know it's not productive but I can't help myself—it's primarily aimed at the people who keep praising this show as the second coming of TV (since they are often prone to extremism).

I am aware of it, and I appreciate your open-mindedness. The strange thing is I respected the OPs writing, which is actually what kind of set me off. I wanted the show to live up to the expectation set forth by such critical analysis. I do apologize if I offended you—I tend to shoot first and ask questions later.

I can tell that my initial statement of the show as a "litmus test" is the source of so much vitriol toward me and the branding of me as a troll, and therefore I am responsible for the downward spiral of hostility that ensued. But I stand by my initial statement and don't really consider it trolling. I think that

You're being very earnest, which makes it much harder for me to be my old cynical, arrogant self so I'll try to reply without resorting to infantile behavior. The thing is I agree with you to an extent in that something like art (or food or anything that boils down to "taste") is ultimately subjective for obvious

Disqus allows all your other nonsense—not sure why they'd stop at a GIF of Charles Foster Kane.

You are completely right. This whole "unqualified to determine what makes for quality art" fanboy thing is definitely not age-centric. I've simply come to realize that on the Internet, the fanboys and hype-dispensers are just far more prevalent regardless of age, hence something like a 9.3 grade for season two of True

Whoa. How can one be so witty and yet not recognize that Prom King was indisputably not witty at all? It's almost like someone demonstrating good taste by liking a good TV show and then failing to see how poor another TV show is.

Yeah, but you're a no one so the original quote still stands.

That would be funny if "funny" actually existed. Unfortunately, it now doesn't thanks to your dissertation on objective point of view vs subjective opinion and now nothing can be "funny" or "not funny", rather some individuals might find something funny while others don't. I personally found it funny, but

And on that day, the authority on subjective vs objective did speak, and it was decided that art cannot be good or bad, and the canon was thereby destroyed…

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this completely inferior season of True Detective. Thankfully, enough people disagree with you that maybe the show will try harder to engage next season—otherwise it could turn out just as bad and we'd have you and the other hipsters to thank for it. Since you did in fact enjoy this

Remember my….cynicism and…brash condescending gestures…ehhhhh…..

I'm…losing…strength…your…pedestrian methods…of obviousness and redundancy are working…and now my troll powers…are weakening…noooo…..