
"Prom King, you are so witty and insightful!" - no one ever.

You were one of those people who swore by the first season even after it didn't live up to expectation, weren't you? I'm sorry this means you failed the test two years in a row. Since you're so easy to please, I can highly recommend any TV show on any channel—you won't be disappointed.

Actually my original comments, while perhaps a little condescending, were directly related to the merits (or lack thereof) of the actual TV show and to the "hype" factor surrounding the show, and furthermore about how the said hype factor lends True Detective a certain credibility it has yet to earn. Your comments, on

You just failed the test.

Of all the responses I've received, this is by far the best one.

If Diortem is actually the person in some of the photos I'm seeing, it would be my pleasure!!!

I was joking (you know, because I don't remember the character). You really do take things literally, huh?

Correction: it would have been funny had you phrased it properly. Instead it came off as a sort of pathetic joke that implied you put a lot of stock in Internet friendships. Like season two of True Detective, your intent was perhaps in the right place, but the execution was totally sub-par.

Unfortunately, I read that book too long ago for that quip to really resonate. But I will enjoy being that character nevertheless.

I said everything I found wrong with this season in the first sentence of my first response and I'm almost having too much fun with all this subsequent banter to go into more detail. I mean I could mention something like that virtually all the protagonists this season were the same bland, damaged character, or that a


I don't disagree. But that doesn't make True Detective any less overrated and that's no small part in thanks to Internet boards just like this one.

Well, thank God you don't believe that anything is objective and that it's all just opinion. Otherwise, I'd have to re-evaluate myself based on your dim-witted insults.

I disagreed with your post BECAUSE it was emblematic of a macrocosmic issue—still no different than posting how one feels.

Take things literally much?

Yes. And I presume you're someone who thinks everything is subjective and if people liked something then that something was good. How very liberated a perspective. Long live mediocrity.

I hope that's meant to be ironic.

If I wanted to show myself as a person of discerning taste, I would identify myself properly. And I was responding to a lofty initial post that overstated the qualities of this show by ignoring the poor execution, which to me was indicative of a hype factor that's carried this show in general well beyond its actual

The fact that you think of "Internet buddies" as the path away from loneliness is in and of itself sad.

That comment wasn't directed toward you so I guess the answer is "not you". The high imdb ratings alone would go to show that there are plenty of devout fans who would have no problem declaring the show as nothing short of brilliant.