
Had you attacked my "argument" with actual points, you would have an actual point. Instead you were typically self-congratulatory and dismissive because I guess that's your thing.

Oh, how cute—he thinks the dismissive, condescending tone he took in his reply wasn't an "attack". The Internet strikes again! And I didn't say we're the brink of a collapse, I said to read up on Nietzsche and the fall of Rome. Had you done it, you might have encountered the genealogy of morals and how marginalized

Sorry, buddy. Common sense and practical thought has no place here in this idealogical bubble.

Oops, I forgot. This is the Internet, where rather than actually doing some research, people like yourself are much more comfortable being dismissive and, frankly, wrong over and over again. Were you about half as smart as you probably think you are, you would actually see the connection. If you don't see the

Go read the comments section on literally any Breitbart article and get back to me on whether it's hyperbolic. Or read up on Nietzsche and the fall of Rome. The safe-space dwelling liberals who think Bill Maher is the enemy apparently have no idea how much damage they've done to their own party. The conservatives

Whatever events may come, completely brainless and frankly insufferable stances like the one this article just took will be as much to blame as any pig-headed fascist policy.

You are so angry.

I've been reading comments sections compulsively (Reddit and elsewhere) and I have to say this is the first comments section that opened with a logical response to everything thus far. We're talking like fifty plus comments sections and none of them opened with someone pointing out how hypocritical and one-sided the

Stated perfectly.

I'm at a loss. Is this a Tumblr page or a site to get professional reviews? Do these writers get paid? Shouldn't there at least be some coordination between reviewers regardless?

"The ship has no impact on events, beyond distracting Bear enough to save Lou's life". Right. Like that's just this small little thing. I had no idea the reviewers here didn't understand the basic tenants of plotting, story and tone. Congrats, AV Club! You're experts on philosophy and absolute half-wits on

This is the dumbest grade I've seen in a long time, and that's saying a lot because the AV Club is generally at least a few notches off the mark when it comes to grading. It might be the one place where I consistently look to the "community grade" for a better estimate as to whether an episode of any given show is

Thanks for all the info. Very interesting stuff. Makes me think of David Lynch's Inland Empire (and to a lesser extent, Mulholland Dr and Lost Highway) and wonder if Lynch was influenced by the concepts you describe.

As I was watching this episode, many of the same thoughts ran through my head. However, what first made me hesitate was the use of Virgil. The show blatantly showed Virgil killing himself and serving as a (semi) guide in the "afterlife". My resulting interpretation was that this was the first ring of hell or as the

I got it now. Not only do you not understand what interesting is, you're dramatically uninteresting yourself. You also subscribe to the mythology of Lennon (that yes, he himself perpetuated) but haven't indicated you know anything about his life given you seem to focus primarily on a song that he wrote at a time when

John Lennon was the most interesting Beatle before he even formed the band.

That episode wasn't just an easy "A", it was one of the best I've seen in years.

My biggest issue with Effie as a producer so far was her inability to relay that they wouldn't be able to flip the car during the stunt. The way the show presented that course of events made her look either downright incompetent or downright manipulative because obviously that was a detail that should have been

I guess you didn't read past the first sentence, huh? Or maybe you just like to take specific examples and generalize them beyond their actual meaning.

What's fueling Trump's campaign is definitely the things you mentioned, but those very things are going strong at this time in part due to the fact that they feel threatened by a new open-minded generation that's preaching true equality. Without a doubt this is a great thing, but one has to consider the people who