R. Skelly

Robert Stack killed it as host. Please resurrect him and make him host this new thing.

Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate, Hate.


I'm still in shock from the election….Trump…..the only President-elect to be a WWE Hall of Famer.

…….the dead?

Be sure to stop by….why you might even get stabbed by Screech!

However, Edgar Winter's homemade film, "Winter Is Cumming" was not given HBO's blessing.

Snatch 2 Snatch: A Mother/Daughter Story

How I Met Your Father is a story I still don't want to hear, mom.

I'm sorry - you didn't post this comment in the form of a question.

(Old) Simpsons writers!

*Clubs Minimum Maus

Actually you know what's better….Dalmation.

A 48 year old is still a kid?

Hamilton: The Canadian Pittsburgh

I dunno, I think the Portcycle is far superior to the Portmobile.

Sorry Trumpy but if you do this you're gonna have to take down your boy, Kanye. We have proof he uses The Piratebay.

How many people live in Japan?

Was it the re-writes or re-shoots that got you? Personally I think it looks entertaining and that's what I want.

The vibrations from this film are obviously not good.