
in addition to all of that, i think either Brienne or Tormund are goners. I hate to say this because I love both of them, but of course he's gonna kill one or the other after getting us all riled up for them to do kissing to each other

i already got in a very tiring facebook comment battle with a group of like 5 dudes screaming about the all-female staff thing so don't worry, it's already happening

i love this and laughed very hard at it and disagree with everyone. it's art!!! he's so committed! his stuff reminds me of nathan for you in terms of the intense awkwardness and commitment to the bit. watching a broken enraged trump supporter attempting to build his own wall while reciting weird broken trump prayers

oh man - I know there's a 90 percent chance you were making this joke on purpose but the idea of someone interpreting the phrase "polish change" (which is literally just the simple task of changing someone's color of nail polish) as "Polish change" (some sort Eastern European trade?) is hilarious

Haha, no I know what you mean — I didn't mean that Mac was going to become some sort of well-adjusted human being, because we all know all of the gang are 100% past the point of no return when it comes to being functioning members of society. But more that he at least can put that one demon he's wrestling to bed,

I want them to fully lean into it and not "work around it." I have a lot of faith in this amazing show to successfully navigate this evolution in the story. It's not like all of Mac's past stories revolved around him having sex with women and this is going to undo him somehow - it's been hinted at for so long.

I'm going to be genuinely upset if the show doesn't proceed from here with Mac being out as canonical and the new reality. I would love to see this as a real change in the plot because it's a great way for the gang to change a bit without anything actually changing at all. I want to see Mac figure himself out and I

I thought this exchange, or at least something like it, was in the movie? Or at least I remember it that way.


LUC - new acronym

i respectfully disagree. that stuff has been super present since the webseries. and i love it.

It was Ilana but it wasn't just that she farted- she farted herself awake. So good.

I feel like you're missing something if you think that they are flaunting their sex appeal. It's more that they ARE sexual people and that is inherent to their characters, but I truly don't think that it's being used as a tool to turn on straight male viewers.

so so happy that gary was will hines! what perfect casting! yay will hines!

"I love that famine."

… Nat is short for Nathaniel. Cara is an extremely common name. Austin is too. I have less to say about Justice and Halston, but your anger about this is kind of out of nowhere

I felt deep shame that it took my dad (who I was watching with) going "Haha, he's talking about the makeup chair!" for me to catch that pretty straightforward joke. For further shame-context, my dad fell asleep about 4 times throughout the episode and I was glued to the screen.

For me, their difference in personality is what made it work. Yes, the whole show exists on a weird plane and isn't "realistic," but I feel like having them have the exact same personality in addition to their looks / how they dress would push it from "funny heightened reality scenario" to being almost too silly.

It's not cheating at all. She has said to him several times on screen that they are not exclusive. He knows this, and makes the choice to continue to date her (non-exclusively) and while he wishes very badly they were exclusive, she is not deceiving him or lying to him in any way.