
Along the lines of "trying too hard to be hip": They had a ridiculous recurring theme in their Comedy Bang! Bang! ads where they'd "subtly" encourage people to get stoned before watching it. Like "enhanced viewing available in Washington and Colorado" and similar lines about controlled substances. It always bugged the

If by gross you mean "erotic and beautiful" then yes. Yes it was.

It would be so great. She would be the perfect star to get people excited about the change instead of just super sad. She can pull off comedy news anchoring. She's obstensibly unemployed now. She is a beautiful strong musk ox.

How can you not mention that April and Jerry (ok, Aubrey and Jim) spent the entirety of the song passionately and sloppily making out? And judging by everyone's reactions they didn't know it was going to happen and man that was so fucking funny and also I'm sad.

Women are treated as prizes and accessories on a scale that is completely incomparable to what men experience. That guy responding to this article with an out-of-nowhere comment demanding CBS send Kat Dennings (a living, breathing human being with agency and a soul!) to his house so he can, inferring from the list,

Do you really not see the distinction between simply "finding a celebrity attractive" and that comment?

His introduction to the Johnny Karate show was something along the lines of "And now, introducing the Johnny Karate show, it's me, Perd Hapley!!!!" It took me a moment to realize that he had skirted over the actual introduction and made the announcement about himself. So funny. I will miss Perd dearly.

Oh my god. You win. That is fantastic and must have been totally planned and how did I not catch this.

There's also what seems to be a direct reference to the Cleveland case right in the first minutes of the trailer. Read the headline on the screen when the reporter breaks the story of the rescue… (To save you time: "WHITE WOMAN FOUND" in big capital letters, and "Hispanic woman also found" underneath it and smaller.

She actually re-wears it when they go out to the fancy dinner at the end of season 1. I thought that was an awesome detail because in real life if a girl on a budget buys a $400 dress (and doesn't return it for whatever reason - it probably was rendered unreturnable after the coked up party and weird DJ foursome

"Your shi-""iiiiiiiiiit loooks like… there's a talent show in the living rooooom… I think that we should go do that now."

Even though we never, ever, ever get reunions for any reason on this show, I still had a glimmer of hope in my heart that Arya and Sansa would see each other in the Vale, even briefly. When Arya ran excitedly towards the front of the ship at the end, I had this fleeting idiotic thought that maybe their ship was going

That interaction made my heart swell. Sure, Arya didn't go off with her, but man it must have been inspiring for her to see, essentially, a lady knight, doing everything she thought she could never do.

Yeah, he didn't seem too panicked about having to leave. Not happy, but not like "WELL SHIT, NOW WHAT?" He has so many little birds everywhere, I feel like that must also means he has resources and people to help him, too.

Busy *having sex with the only woman you've ever loved. Oops.

Oh, definitely. Charles Dance did a freaking excellent job with that scene, IMO. He had to look both confident and assured and fatherly, while also showing an undercurrent of total fear, while pretending to love a son he never cared for and having to look convincing enough to save his own life while he did so… while

Speaking of the Tyrells, where the hell have they been? Feels like we didn't get to check in on them for the past three or four episodes. And now we must wait.

But he did make sure to testify heartily against Tyrion in his trial—wouldn't that help eliminate some suspicion? Only Jamie knew it was Varys who helped him escape and I feel like, even with the patricide and all, he wouldn't have sold Varys out.

So was this the finale then??? :( :( :( I'm so sad. I'm so so so sad. Hashtag six seasons and my endless tears