Adam Garcia

First thing I thought was: He's trimmed the beard, but it's still fuzzy so we can assume he's alive in Episode IX.

The moment that always makes me love Austin (the character) is when Vanessa drunkenly says: "Kiss me." and he turns away and say "No, you're drunk. It isn't right." That one line said more about his character than anything else he does in the film.

This season, for better or worse, is going to make it very, very, verrrrry hard to say goodbye to Capaldi. I feel like the show took a season to figure out how to write him, another to season for it perfect his era's "voice" and he's now leaving with what is increasingly proving to be a rousing farewell. In many ways,

I'm a little behind this season, but this season was better than the last couple for sure.

Arrow is a hot mess.

Yeah, I just found it… Boring I guess. Though I spent the entire season convincing myself I liked it. But it was the moment when Simmons(?) got sucked into the whatever it was, I kinda sat back and thought: "Wow, I don't care." And that was kind of it for me.

Eh, don't feel too bad. I never cared for her character, plus based on what I read it was basically just another way for them to prolong the will they won't they of the two British people. Mind you: I WANTED to love this show, but those first two season were just the worst. Lame stories, weak characters, and it's the

I gave up on the show when what's-her-name British girl got sucked in the silver-thingy at the end of season 2. Everyone keeps telling me it got good, but I still find it difficult to accept that I have invest another season and a half of "meh" to get to what sounds like an alternate reality story that's worhwhile.


Eh. Wasn't funny.

I feel like this comment chain is the blueprint to save America.


Todd! Are you not aware that I get farty and bloated with a foamy latte!

The point is: I feel like Mugatu at the end of Zoolander.

I guess I never found it fun, it just feel mean, cynical and filled with sexism that doesn't make fun of spy formula, but only doubles down on it, making it worse.

I mean the violence was staged fine, but I didn't feel it served the film, to my mind it felt… gratuitous and angry and cynical.

It's pretty awesome. I'm still wondering how the hell I got it.

The violence in the film was just horrible, the church scene almost made walk out. not because it was violence, but because that, and the ending as the audience to enjoy people mindlessly kill each other. And if the film's message was that you can't trust the establishment, then why does it spend so much time

Also, my day job requires watching movies, so I don't say it lightly.

"America is part of the world."