Adam Garcia

It doesn't say anything about the movies it's satirizing, if anything it seems to misunderstand the movies it's based on and ask the audience to believe that people are terrible, let's enjoy them watching them mindlessly kill each other to cool music. Oh and hey, women don't really matter beyond butt sex.

I'm having one of those "Oh my God, I'm not alone…" moments.

Yeah, I was kinda with the film until the Church Scene, and something clicked in my head, that said: "No, no. This isn't okay." And mind you it's not the violence that bugs me (I love John Wick, for example.) It's the glee it too in watch people mindlessly slaughter each other.

Nathan Fillon is an International Treasure.

I just found it incredibly cynical, hateful, and violent without any clear idea of what it was trying to say beyond "people are terrible." Almost walked out of the theater.

Unpopular opinion: The original film might be the worst film I've seen in years.

This season is making it really really hard to say goodbye to Capaldi, which in and of itself is probably for the best.


I feel like this comparison is an alternative fact.

The Staten Island Ferry is most certainly not a cruise ship, lemme tell you.

There is no I but there is "me."

I'm just gonna put this out there. Everything Iron Fist does wrong The Green Lama does better. I mean… Obviously I'm biased, but…

You know her?! She's great. I am so damn lucky to work with her.

It's overrated, in my opinion. Again, I don't discount all the good the show did, from strong female characters to serialized storytelling, nor do I begrudge people who enjoy it, I just don't understand why.

Right. Again, I give credit for what the show tried to do, I just personally don't think it works.

I think that did have a lot to do with it. But I did eventually give it several shots. I remember watching one episode when it aired and the villain was a prissy pink princess( I forget the name). I turned to my friend and said, "Meh she's like all those bitchy girls in high school" and he said, all excited: "Yeah,

I watched it when it was on—a LOT of people tried to make me watch it—but then and now I find the series unwatchable. This comes down to personal taste, but I really don't understand the show's appeal.

I watched it while it was on—after a LOT of people telling me to watch it—and found it overrated. Again this comes down to personal taste, but every time I try to watch the show I am immediately turned off by it.