Adam Garcia

Gave me a headache.

To my mind those episodes, and few others, like the bitchy prissy princess girl as a season's Big Bad, turn me off from the show. I loved Hush, for example, partially because the characters don't talk. But overall, no matter how objectively smart the episode/show is—which I will always give it credit for—I can never

See, I love almost everything Whedon has done post-Buffy/Angel. It's just that Buffy and her universe just continues to rub me the wrong way.

Season 4 does the arc better than the previous season, but Season 1 and 3 might have been the worse offenders. When Moffat took over his Season 5 arc actually forms an actual arc that ties into this character's stories. Season 6 is less effective and Season 7 and 8 try hard at it but fails. Season 9 was a return to

Gave me a headache.

Yahoo just did a GREAT interview with Claudia Black talking about Farscape.

Davies "Big Bads" were a mess. I'm sorry but the Bad Wolf story line makes no sense. Torchwood has a decent build in it. The Saxon arc ends well, but has almost not build until the last three episode… also it had Tinker Bell Jesus Doctor. Stolen Worlds was the best executed of them all.

And I do need to state I admire the show for presenting a strong female lead, and a number of other concepts. But the show itself feels like flat soda to me.

I'm sure, but after watching a lot of episodes over the years I still have a lot of fundamental problems with the show, from it's core concept to it's characters. So while all of what you say might be true, I feel like I would be hate watching the show.

Probably, it just never felt like subtext, more often it felt like a sledgehammer.

My issue(s) with Buffy stem from it's central conceit, high school is hell, so let's make it literally on top of a Hellmouth. I remember watching the while it was on the air and everything from "A mom living vicariously through her daughter… literally" to "Men drink beer and become neanderthals… literally" just rubbed

Veronica Mars > Buffy

I've watched probably a dozen or more episodes of Buffy and the only one I ever enjoyed was Hush. I can appreciate the good the show did for TV and strong female heroes, et al but I've always found the show terribly overrated.

I dunno… I loved this finale.

'sall good. Also: Hey! Jersey City!

Uh… Yes?

Neil Diamond and Streisand didn't go to high school together. Diamond went Abraham Lincoln. Streisand to Erasmus. I only know that because I went to Lincoln as well, obviously a few decades after Diamond.

I recently did a marathon reading of them for… reasons… and I'm all nerd about it now