Adam Garcia

The Dying Detective was Doyle…

It's actually more like "Colony"

"She dies from delivering Jon, but not before she whispers to Ned that he—meaning Rhaegar—“must not find out,” and what sounds like Jon’s true name."

Probably more in common to that show Colony (which I haven't seen.) It's a bit more grounded. Also a lot less Scientology. A LOT LESS.

I'm gonna recommend: *Occupied Earth* "an anthology that explores the idea of what the world would look like years after its conquest. 20 years after a successful invasion by the Makh-Ra, humanity still exists, only it has become subservient to a race of occupiers who govern the devastated planet. But, as much at

I'm the licensed author behind the pulp hero the Green Lama novels.

^ yup

He's was a great Phantom…. Dammit I love that movie.

As a pulp fan and a writer of new pulp stories (most notably the Green Lama) I'm 110% behind this casting and film.

I hate "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" with the fury of a thousand suns. I found the "conversational" Spanglish prose unreadable, the character unlikable, the non-linear story impenetrable, and the comic book "references" forced.


Noted! Revising now!

Gonna toss this podcast out into the aether… RADIO ROOM! Full cast audio plays, because why not?

This whole season has been amazing, and this stands as one of the most effective cappers yet. Moffat gave both Clara and River's the perfect happy endings. Clara gets to be the Doctor she always through she was and River finally gets the marriage she always wanted with the Doctor. "24 years" hit me right in the feels.

Check out J&L&S, it stands on its own and shows what BF can do with New Series… and Old Series. What I hope to see moving forward is BF uses their New Series license to not only bridge the gap between Old and New (ie. War Doctor Series) but also blur the line, as evidenced in J&L&S, and help it all feel like one

I actually enjoyed it. Did you listen to Jago & Litefoot & Strax? I almost fell down it was so funny.

Let's Oprah this shit, and have both. You get a spinoff and YOU get a spinoff, everyone gets a SPINOOOOOOFF. (said without irony)

We're all in agreement, yeah? Big Finish needs to make "The Impossible Girl & Me" spinoff, right?

Yeah, it's really really REALLY close… Need to decide on rewatch.

Yeah, it's a close call, but arguably this season was overall more consistent than 5.