Adam Garcia

This season has recently started off with a bang.

Agreed! With the exception of "Blink," "11th Hour" was how I got my girlfriend into the series. She then doubled back and watched the rest, but I almost always recommend "11th Hour" since it's such a perfect clean slate episode season 5 is so solid, no one asks me "why am I watching farting aliens?"

The audios are why McGann is in my top 4.

Yeah this was the most cinematic I've seen the show ever.

The whole Charley/Divergent Universe Era was a mess. They definitely course corrected by the end, but man, it's hard to overstate how much better the Lucie Era was to the Charley Era. Even the Mary Shelley trilogy was better than the whole Charley Era. Better DW theme too.

I wouldn't say they're trying to "correct" it, more than anything I think Moffat/BBC wanted to give the show a near blank slate when Smith premiered to encourage new fans. While this era they know they're established and Moffat being the fan boy he is, is diving deep into ALL of DW history.

"In a rooom together" at least auditorily.

"Oh, and I suppose Paul McGann logged 17 years away between the TV movie and “The Night Of The Doctor,” but that would imply we’re not counting all his Big Finish audios, and I just won’t have that."

Yeah she's even on the cover of Blood of the Daleks Part 2.

Likewise James D'Arcy was in the Big Finish episode Paradis 5 opposite the 6th Doctor.

Blood of the Daleks Parts 1 & 2

Let's not forget she has the Doctor Who pedigree, acting opposite Paul McGann in Big Finish's first season of New Eighth Doctor Adventures as well as others.

I was covering my mouth so i didn't scream at work.

A lot of people did, I just don't know what movie they saw, cause what I saw was the most cynical hateful film i'd ever seen.

Just pray it'll be better than that piece of shit Kingsman.

Just blasted through 9 out 13. Stopping now only so I have something to look forward to tomorrow.


This episode just made me so happy. It was the most "Star Wars" story I've seen in years.