Adam Garcia

Don't forget his role in Zombies of the Stratosphere!

There's hyperviolence and there's what Kingsman did. Take a look at the climax of Django Unchained, which was incredibly hyperviolent and played a bit tongue in cheek with a rocking score. In that scene everyone knew their roles, Django was there for revenge and save his wife, the plantation folks were there to stop

I saw it tonight and it was one of least enjoyable movies I've seen in a long time and this coming from someone who loves spy genre and yeah… It had uneven tone, needlessly hyper violent, poor pacing, unlikable characters, disdain for humanity and just bitter, angry storytelling that supposedly pays homage to the spy

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I'd be excited for this film if it wasn't called Fantastic Four.

Since it's on topic, Moonstone Books and Pro Se Productions are producing some awesome new stories based on classic characters like the Black Bat.

You lost me when you thought the Master was anything other than a waste of time.

This was one of the best specials. I found the Moffat specials to be overall better than the Tennant Era specials, which I often found to be quite groan worthy. Plus if you can make Santa seem cool you've succeeded. The interplay between him and the Doctor echoed the Doctor's interaction with Robin Hood, but for me,

@avclub-66c24524c943f660a6d2deff9a67d477:disqus calls 'em like he sees 'em. He's a whale biologist.

The X-Wings are new models. Note the "split" wing, rather than the separate twin wings.

While I wish we could have seen Luke/Han/Leia, this film truly feels like a Star Wars film in the way we haven't seen in years. AND OMG the Falcon.

Really? I consider Eccleston's run the low point… Eh. To each his own. Let's eat cake!

Bob's a class act. And yes, everyone who was involved in that show was a wonderful actor. And for what it's worth, here are screen grabs from the time I was on the show:

While Interning at Sesame Street (which I did, twice) I had the pleasure of to chatting with Roscoe Orman, who played Gordon, and told him how powerful the Cage-to-Cookie Monster Eaten Car was and how it stayed with me all these years.

I really enjoyed this, and I think I'll enjoy this season overall a lot more once I marathon it.

But does anyone really KNOW anyone?

How are Pratt and Beever before Delgado? Wasn't Pratt/Beevers created to get around the fact that Delgado died, so he needed a new body, which became Ainley? (And yeah I need to revise it, Ainley is after Pratt/Beevers

Nope. Never. Ever. But, this helps when I don't try to organize them…

My plan is to listen to all 8 in order up to DE3, then do the 4th Doctor adventures. Planning on preordering the Gareth Roberts adaptations as self-christmas present.