Adam Garcia

You actually don't need to listen to UNIT: Dominion to enjoy DE2; with that said, you should listen to it anyway as it is awesome.

Yeah I just got passed the romantic stuff, but I guess sometimes she comes off as whiny and pouty, which makes some sense since she's only 18 years old. Mind you that isn't all the time, and it isn't aknock at India by any means. I enjoyed Lucie Miller more (still need to finish her run as well) and I really enjoyed

'Sall good.

There was a split second that I thought she was Susan.

I waffle with Charley. I'm mid way through her run with the 8th (I've listened to the stories completely out of order and am currently working to fill in the gaps). Some times she's great, other times… She's worse than Rose.

Plus you can have insane things like a companion traveling with two Doctors, but in the wrong order. Or have plot lines that cross between Doctors in a random order.

It's hard not to consider them canon, especially when you:
A. Get McGann Doctor PLAYED by McGann.
B. Get 5, 6, and 7 Doctor stories that are generally 1000 times better than the TV show.
C. Get more 4th Doctor stories with Tom Baker!

Yeah I think you're right, it would be:

True, but I remember reading Moffat saying something to the effect that "Briggs can fill in the blanks," especially consider the latter is so involved with the modern show.

Now, you're just talking madness!

We also can't assume Delgado was the "first" incarnation — just the first one we saw.

I'd say Night of the Doctor counts since it showed the regeneration, and Moffat clearly stated that this was meant to finally show the regeneration of 8th to War. Sure it didn't air on TV, but it's included in the Day of the Doctor DVD.

Alex MacQueen is Big Finish, which I personally consider canon ever since "Night of the Doctor" established all of the Eighth Doctor companions from the audio plays canon.

Another thing we need to figure out, and maybe @AlasdairWilkins you might be able to sort this out, the "order of the Masters" in terms of chronoilogical order, not "on-screen order." Here's what I figured out:

There was a moment — the briefest second — that I thought/hoped Missy was going to be a former companion; mostly because I love the idea of a hero's victories/friends/etc. coming back to haunt him. That said? Totally on board.

RIGHt. Trial of the Valeyard. Shit forgot about that.

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True. I was referring to just the episode in particular, but that's a good point.

Yeah, from some of the later stories I bought (thanks BF15 sale) it seems like it went in that direction. It was definitely romantic at the start butit was damn confusing from how it went from "You're my friend and i love you." to "i'm in love with you" in two episodes.