Adam Garcia

Yeah, I remember loving her at the times, but the further away I get from her the less I enjoy her.

Dude, tell me about it. I spend so much money there, sometimes I think I'm keeping them in business. But it's not my fault they're so good.

Yeah, I guess with Tennant she was so doe eyed and TOTALY defined by her relationship with him. I mean, Jesus, how many times do we need to hear her say she loved him?

Dark Eyes 2 is really interesting and Molly is pretty decent. Either way McGann's amazing.

Yeah, mind you I listened to the stories WAY out of order and am going back and filling the gaps, and just finished Schrezo. I'm not sure if e whole "I love you" bullshit doesn't work because it's poorly written, or because I've seen it so much (understanding that yes, this came before NuWho). or because Charley's

Yeah. She was vastly more interesting than Rose. Rose was 99% of the time "but I love him!" Martha at least said, you know what, I'm better than sitting around waiting for you.

She's definitely an incarnation of a previously established character, unless she's not.

::Clap… Clap:::

I like Lucie Miller, Molly is interesting, and I'm finding Charley to be a bit… um… I dunno, something about her is rubbing me the wrong way. But that might be cause it's the early years and Zagreus was kinda awful and Scherzo… it was. I don't even know.

Yeah, thanks to Season 8, if I had a list it might go:

I think we can at least safely say that Missy is definitely the woman from the shop; maybe an incarnation of a previous character, Clara wins "most improved character" award, and Capaldi as one of the most powerful performers to inhabit the role.


This season has been overall pretty masterful in my opinion.

I'm not sure this criticism should be aimed solely at Fincher, considering Flynn wrote the screenplay based her own book. Clearly this was a decision made by both of them.

YES! Thank you.

Plus, it's the same man who manipulated his companions for his own means (7.)

I'd disagree, this is the same man who shut the TARDIS door on Other Amy's face in the girl who waited.

Yeah, this season has been the best in a long time. Loving the deconstruction of the Doctor.

A VERY close 5th.

A VERY close 5th.